Ready for the quantum age with Quantum Machine Learning
Whether major breakthroughs in engineering, logistics or disruptive influences on IT security – quantum technologies have the potential to change our economy and society abruptly in the future. For companies, this means that they should already prepare for the associated challenges and clarify the following questions, among others:
- To what extent does your company need to prepare for quantum technologies?
- What are the individual business prospects?
- What requirements must be met in order to achieve so-called "quantum readiness" in the company?
The experts of Fraunhofer IAIS offer their competent support to companies. In addition to providing advice and building up expertise, they show concrete ways in which you can exploit the potential of quantum technologies today.
Here, you can find all relevant information regarding Quantum Readiness condensed in a flyer (in German).
Take advantage of quantum computing today with the “IAIS Evo Annealer”
To enable companies to check in advance to what extent they can benefit from quantum technologies, Fraunhofer IAIS has developed the so-called "IAIS Evo Annealer". With the help of this technology, mathematical problems can already be solved more efficiently than before.
"Without having to access a quantum computer, our customers can use the IAIS Evo Annealer to test the extent to which their mathematical problems can be solved with quantum computing in the future. In doing so, they are already achieving profitable results."
Dr. Nico Piatkowski, Senior Scientist in the field of Quantum Machine Learning at Fraunhofer IAIS