System modeling is an aspect of system theory that looks into the construction principles of artificial and natural systems. It has a practical application in the design of technical and commercial systems.
We draw on the theory of human-centric system models (NES = Natural Engineered and Slipped) developed by Fraunhofer IAIS which takes particular account of humans as system components. Human-centric means these systems are made by people for people and people are integral and central to them. The Tree Attribute Matrix method (TAM) is an additional explanation model.
System models can be used for different purposes such as to describe and explain real systems, to compare systems and to understand a system’s behavior. Our research covers not only automatic structural analysis methods but also the modeling of lateral structures and collaboration processes.
The systems we look at could be companies, machines or social groups. In a commercial context system models are an effective starting point for the analysis of company structures or processes and provide guidance on how to change and optimize them. We derive a variety of practical methods from system modeling which we use when we advise companies about composition and processing and for carrying out security analyses. We are currently working on formalizing these methods so that customers’ premises can become certified.