Machine Learning (ML) is a key technology in relation to cognitive systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thanks to progressively cheaper and more powerful sensors and processors ML techniques are increasingly driving digitalization and are determining factors in maintaining a competitive edge in many sectors. There is hardly any sector that isn’t currently undergoing a substantial transformation because of ML- and AI-based technology: from manufacturing and logistics through to medicine.
We have been at the forefront of applied ML research for many years. We shape the future of Machine Learning: modular Machine Learning, driven by data and knowledge. Our researchers are developing people-centered, comprehensible and reliable solutions.
We are also working on resource efficient applications that can be run on the most diverse range of hardware platforms. Our processes are tailored to specific application scenarios, from distributed Learning (Edge Computing) to quantum Machine Learning. Our learning algorithms can now be used for applications that have previously not been thought possible for commerce or society.
We are reporting on this technology, including its potentials and limitations in studies and scientific publications. We are actively involved in central research projects in Germany and the rest of Europe and keep a keen eye on the social debate over the impact intelligent machines might have on our lives.