Im Folgenden sind die Veröffentlichungen des Teams zum Thema Klimaresilienz der letzten fünf Jahre aufgelistet:
· Wischott, V., Klose, A., Milde, K. and Lückerath, D., 2024. Using Impact Chains for Co-creating Cause-Effect Models of Climatic and Anthropogenic Hazards in Cultural Landscapes (No. EGU24-15540). Copernicus Meetings.
· Lückerath, D., Milde, K., Wischott, V. and Klose, A., 2024, April. The ARCH Resilience Assessment Dashboard: An Online Scorecard Approach to Assess the Resilience of Historic Areas. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (p. 11315).
· Peinhardt, K., Garzillo, C., Lückerath, D., Egusquiza, A., Michalis, P. and Istrati, D., 2024. The EU R&I Task Force for Climate Neutral and Resilient Historic Areas (No. EGU24-20296). Copernicus Meetings.
· Milde, K., Wischott, V. and Lückerath, D., 2023. Resilienz gegenüber dem Klimawandel in historischen Gebieten erhöhen: Das ARCH Resilience Framework und das ARCH Resilience Assessment Dashboard. Poster auf dem Deutschen Kongress für Geographie, 2023, Frankfurt.
· André, K., Gerger Swartling, Å., Englund, M., Petutschnig, L., Attoh, E.M., Milde, K., Lückerath, D., Cauchy, A., Botnen Holm, T., Hanssen Korsbrekke, M. and Bour, M., 2023. Improving stakeholder engagement in climate change risk assessments: insights from six co-production initiatives in Europe. Frontiers in Climate, 5, p.1120421.
· Swartling, A.G., André, K., Englund, M., Harris, K., Aall, C., Petutschnig, L., Rome, E., Gobert, J., Reuschel, S., Jorda, G. and Lückerath, D., 2023. Towards improved adaptation action in Europe. SEI-Stockholm Environment Institute.
· Petutschnig, L., Rome, E., Lückerath, D., Milde, K., Gerger Swartling, Å., Aall, C., Meyer, M., Jordá, G., Gobert, J., Englund, M. and André, K., 2023. Research advancements for impact chain based climate risk and vulnerability assessments. Frontiers in Climate, 5, p.1095631.
· Egusquiza, A., Lückerath, D., Zorita, S., Silverton, S., Garcia, G., Servera, E., Bonazza, A., Garcia, I. and Kalis, A., 2023. Paving the way for climate neutral and resilient historic districts. Open Research Europe, 3.
· Lückerath, D., Rome, E. and Milde, K., 2023. Using impact chains for assessing local climate risk—A case study on impacts of extended periods of fluvial low waters and drought on a metropolitan region. Frontiers in Climate, 5, p.1037117.
· Menk, L., Terzi, S., Zebisch, M., Rome, E., Lückerath, D., Milde, K. and Kienberger, S., 2022. Climate change impact chains: a review of applications, challenges, and opportunities for climate risk and vulnerability assessments. Weather, Climate, and Society, 14(2), pp.619-636.
· Lückerath, D., Ullrich, O., Milde, K., Rome, E., Wischott, V., Olfert, A., Hölscher, K., Wittmayer, J., Lazari, A., Adinolfi, M., Mercogliana, P., Dorsch, L., Kind, C., Havarneanu, G., Krausmann, E., Maresch, S., Fekete, A. and Nord, C., 2022. Climate Resilient Infrastructure Systems – Improving Science-Policy-Practice Collaboration. Climate Change 51/2022. German Environment Agency.
· Ullrich, O. and Lückerath, D., 2022. A Bi-Modal Simulation Model to Increase the Resilience of Public Transit Networks. Simul. Notes Eur., 32(2), pp.103-112.
· Lindner, R., Lückerath, D., Milde, K., Ullrich, O., Maresch, S., Peinhardt, K., Latinos, V., Hernantes, J. and Jaca, C., 2021. The standardization process as a chance for conceptual refinement of a disaster risk management framework: the ARCH project. Sustainability, 13(21), p.12276.
· Lindner, R., Lückerath, D., Hernantes, J., Jaca, C., Latinos, V. and Peinhardt, K., 2021, September. Bringing research on city resilience to relevant stakeholders–combining Co-creation and standardization in the ARCH project. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, Vienna, Austria (pp. 7-10).
· Giovinazzi, S., Marchili, C., Di Pietro, A., Giordano, L., Costanzo, A., La Porta, L., Pollino, M., Rosato, V., Lückerath, D., Milde, K. and Ullrich, O., 2021. Assessing earthquake impacts and monitoring resilience of historic areas: methods for GIS tools. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(7), p.461.
· Lückerath, D., Milde, K. and Ullrich, O., 2021. The ARCH Project: Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Historic Areas. Simul. Notes Eur., 31(2), pp.53-56.
· Milde, K., Giovinazzi, S., Lückerath, D., Ullrich, O., Pollino, M., Rome, E. and Rosato, V., 2020. Applying Simulation to Advance Resilience of Historic Areas to Climate Change and Natural Hazards.
· Streberová, E., Konrad, I., Kozová, M., Pauditsova, E., Lückerath, D., Bogen, M., Pecho, J., Rehačková, T., Šteflovičová, M. and Šteflovičová, M., 2020. Atlas of risk-based vulnerability assessment of the impacts of climate change in Bratislava. City of Bratislava, 2020. ISBN 978-80-570-2203-9.
· Lückerath, D., Streberová, E., Bogen, M., Rome, E., Ullrich, O. and Pauditsová, E., 2020. Climate change impact and vulnerability analysis in the city of bratislava: application and lessons learned. In Critical Information Infrastructures Security: 14th International Conference, CRITIS 2019, Linköping, Sweden, September 23–25, 2019, Revised Selected Papers 14 (pp. 83-94). Springer International Publishing.
· Ullrich, O., Bogen, M., Lückerath, D. and Rome, E., 2019. Co-operating with Municipal Partners on Indicator Identification and Data Acquisition. Simul. Notes Eur., 29(4), pp.159-168.
· Rome, E., Bogen, M., Lückerath, D., Ullrich, O., Worst, R., Streberová, E., Dumonteil, M., Mendizabal, M., Abajo, B., Feliu, E. and Bosch, P., 2019. Risk-based analysis of the vulnerability of urban infrastructure to the consequences of climate change. Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience: Theories, Methods, Tools and Technologies, pp.55-75.